Regarding False Claims about #Anam People’s Cultural Practices.
It has come to our attention that #false information regarding the cultural practices of Ndi Anam has been circulating. In specific terms, the claims suggest that the Anam people said or mandated the burial of individuals who drown in our river by the riverside.
We wish to state that there was categorically or is no such cultural custom, tradition, or mandate within Oboro Anam.
We urge the general public to disregard such misleading information or any misinformation suggesting otherwise because such a claim is entirely FALSE and without BASIS.
We understand the importance of accurate information and cultural diversity hence, this press release.
Source: – (“Tessy Aniesi” and Chief Hon. Udenze Raphael Okeke – Member Federal House of Representatives 2003 and 2007).
Therefore, we request that these misconceptions be rectified and that those involved refrain from perpetuating unfounded rumors about the custom of Ndị Anam.
Thank you for your attention and understanding.
Rest in peace to the dead. (Sad).
Long Live NDỊ ANAM! Long live ANỊ IGBO!! Peace to the World!!!
Tessy Aniesi
Founder: ANAM INITIATIVE a.k.a Anam Transformation Movement.